Discover Your Wild Life 

Welcome to your wild life. Part of our mission is to help adults reconnect with the sense of awe and adventure they felt as children, and I can think of no better way to do that than to explore nature in all its glory. 

Oh, Wednesday

Do you remember hearing the poem “Monday’s Child” as a kid? In it, each day of the week blesses children with a different positive quality. Born on a Monday? You must be fair of face. Friday, you are loving and giving. Then there’s Wednesday: Wednesday’s child is full of woe. Sigh. 

I am sure you can guess that I am a Wednesday’s child, and that line has bothered me as long as I can remember because it is so far from my truth. So, I hereby declare a rewrite: 


Wednesday’s child is full of wonder. 

Each time I step outside and into nature, I feel it. My inner self instantly connects with the outer world. Time slows down, and I move into the rhythm of nature. My senses come alive. I am sure you have experienced something similar. If it has been awhile, maybe it’s time to find that feeling again. So, each Wednesday, I will invite you to connect with nature and your wild life with Your Wild Life Wednesday, #yourwildlifewednesday.  

Cultivating a nature practice in adulthood

I have spent the past several years creating a much deeper relationship with the natural world, and I know the positive impact it has had on all areas of my life. 

Yes, including work. Nature breaks give my brain a chance to pause, integrate information and spark creative ideas. Studies show that focus and creativity improve after time spent outdoors, and even 10 minutes outside can reduce stress levels in adults. 

Studies and surveys show that both adults and children spend the majority of their time indoors:


I read that last statistic recently in one of my son’s magazines, and I wanted to cry. Four to seven minutes? What experiences our kids are missing!

My son is almost seven and thankfully adores spending time outside, and I believe all children would gladly explore nature more if the adults in their lives prioritized it. As a parent, grandparent, teacher or other trusted adult in a child’s life, you can give the gift of time in nature – to yourself and to the children in your life. 

Think back to your own childhood. How much time did you spend outside and where were your favorite places to explore? As an adult, do you take that time to explore – or to simply sit in a natural space and breathe in the fresh air? 

To begin cultivating a strong nature practice in your own life, start today and start small. Find a nearby park and walk a loop around it. Sit outside on your balcony for 30 minutes. Go to a garden center and breathe in the smell of the dirt and plants. 

Make this Wednesday the day you rediscover your wild life. As a human, you are part of nature. You were meant to be wild, and my goal is to help you reconnect with that part of yourself.

Looking for more ways to connect with nature in your daily life? The Personal Nature Project online course walks you through six nature-based lessons to help you create a nature practice to improve your well-being and quality of life.